Advertisements in the food industry are probably one of the craziest ones that we have ever seen, the creativity put into these AD creatives the copy of these ADs and everything around them are just pure genius. So, below is a list of 8 really good ADs from the food and beverage industry.
The AD is a classic example of the rivalry between the two most famous fast food brands in the world. The AD was published during the Covid era and it urges users to stay home even if they are a 'clown'. Where the word 'clown' definitely hints on McDonald's. The AD's creative uses things available at home to resemble something of a burger.
Some years ago, the master franchise of KFC in the United kingdom ran out of chicken to serve to people. So as a public apology at their inefficiency and negligence, they came up with this AD, which features an empty bucket of KFC but on a closer look we can see that the letters of 'KFC' are re arranged to spell 'FCK' which definitely puts in the humour, catches attention and shows the raw emotion of the franchise of when they messed up.
A very clever way to announce the launch of their mobile ordering service, in this AD's creative we can see the brand using mobile phones of different colors stacked on top of each other to assemble something that looks their most famous product - The Big Mac.
Another classic example of brand wars at play, we can see that on the left we have an AD put up by Pepsi, where a Pepsi can is dressed up as a Coca Cola can, with the AD copy reading 'we wish you a scary halloween' we can see that Pepsi plays with Coca Cola here. As their response to Pepsi, Coca Cola used the same Ad creative but with a different copy that read ' Everybody wants to be a hero' which means that Pepsi being dressed up as a Coca Cola can means that Coca Cola is a superhero while Pepsi aspires to be just like them.
This Ad is by KFC, wherein we can see a woman eating a Big Mac from Mc Donald's, who can be seen licking her finger. With the Ad copy reading 'everything reminds you of KFC' we can easily decipher that the brand is hinting at the woman thinking about KFC, even when she is eating at a Mc Donald's, cause the food is just 'Finger' licking good.
The AD features a billboard with a Burger King AD on it. In the Ad we can see a whopper burger from Burger King trying to fit into a Big Mac's box. The copy reads 'Silly whopper that's a Big Mac's box' this directly shows that BK claims that their whopper is bigger than Mc Donald's Big Mac.
This AD is left completely for the viewer to decipher and understand, it features an X-Ray of a person with a ring which can be see in their stomach. This AD plays on the tagline of the brand 'it's finger licking good'. The AD shows that their chicken is so good, that someone accidentally swallowed their ring while 'licking' their fingers.
In this AD we can see a billboard with a blue background (which resembles the box of Mc Donald's fillet-o-fish burger) with the ingredients of the burger used as the AD copy, the AD directly promotes their Fillet-o-Fish burger in a very unique fashion as the ingredients have been stacked in a manner to resemble the shape of their famous burger