Social Media
How to: Social Media


There are over 2.4 billion accounts on Instagram, 3 billion Facebook accounts, 1.5 billion Tiktok accounts and billions of users on other social media platforms. The number of people on the internet and the people who use these platforms are increasing day by day. Which gives you both an opportunity and a challenge. The opportunity is that as the users of these platforms increase, you have a much wider audience you can sell to and more eyeballs that you can grab.The challenge? You are not alone as most of the people are trying to do the same, which eventually increases the competition.Luckily, here at Advocado we know our game and how to handle such problems and turn them into opportunities. Below is our process at how we handle our accounts for social media and grow them, below is our quote-unquote Social media process

Here are the topics covered in this post. Click below on any of the topics to jump directly to them.

The importance of social media
Our unique approach to social media management
Tools we use

The importance of social media

Social media is one of the biggest marketing channels that your business can benefit from in 2024. with billions of active monthly users and little to no cost as the entry barrier, you can benefit tons from this channel and start benefitting from it asap. The visibility that social media provides you is unparalleled, with people always glued to their screens and always online and upto speed with all their social media platforms, you just need enough content made in a smart way to ensure that you reach your target audience, and once you crack that it's easier than ever to leverage it and monetise it eventually. The online brand and presence that you build for your brand is hands down the most important aspect of online presence, and there is no better way to do this except social media.

Here is a graph showing an increase in the number of social media users over time.

The challenge

It is quite simple actually, there are millions over millions of businesses hoping onto social media every month, trying to get more numbers and trying to get better numbers. All of them trying to gather more eyeballs with the single most important goal of making sure that them and their brand can get more and better exposure online. If it still hasn't been clear, this introduces a problem for you and millions of people and businesses online trying to make a name for themselves. "How will you stand out?"

Our unique approach to social media management

The call

We hold a discovery call to understand the need of the client in depth, this is an initial call so that we can understand what is that you have been doing and what is that you want to achieve. Your goals and values and the online persona that you want to build is really important for us to know before we start working on your social media presence.

The Audit

The Audit is the process where we do a comprehensive audit of your online presence if there is any. We do an in-depth check about your competitors and how have they been working on their socials, not only your competitors but people generally in your niche. This gives us a fair idea of what works for brands in this niche and what different things we'd have to do to make sure that we can stand out from them, hence hoping to create a unique online persona for you and your brand.

The strategy

This is the fun part, we start with crafting a unique and interesting strategy for your brand. This includes making content pillars, drafting topics and making content calendars to make sure that we follow a systematic approach when it comes to growing your social media accounts.

The strategy is communicated to you, and after your approval we get started with it right away, and we start building your online presence according to the strategy. The strategy is unique and different for all of our clients, we make sure that your online brand stands out from all of the million others that exist in the wide sea called social media. The strategies are custom tailored and unique to each client.


In this step, the creation of content is started where we get the content machine up and running, we start posting with a mix of static and dynamic content. i.e videos and posts. Not only that, but our focus has always been on creating content in such a way and also managing the account is such a way, that we can create a community for the brand and get people to truly become our follower, which includes commenting and interacting with other accounts, posting regular stories and highlights etc.

This step also includes a testing phase, where we test our content and how it works. We start with looking at the interaction and numbers on our content and seeing and understanding what worked for that particular post, we then set up hypothesis around this content and try to replicate what worked here into our next content pieces to follow, we repeat this process a few times to set up a framework proven to work for our brand, and then repeat it. This is what we at Advocado call "the content cycle"

Tools we use

For editing and post production of the content we use industry standard tools like - adobe after effects and premiere pro for editing the content and making it look good. For color grading and perfecting the content we use - adobe light room and adobe photoshop.For keeping a track of how our content is doing - we use hootsuite and for trends and keyword research we use semrush and google trends.


In today's digital world, social media is an essential marketing tool, with billions of users on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. The growing number of users presents both opportunities and challenges—while the audience potential is vast, competition is fierce.

At Advocado, we’ve developed a unique approach to navigating this competitive landscape. We start with a discovery call to understand your goals, followed by a thorough audit of your online presence and competitors. From there, we craft a tailored strategy that includes content creation, testing, and optimisation to ensure your brand stands out. We use top-tier tools like Adobe Creative Suite for content creation and platforms like Hootsuite and Semrush for tracking performance and researching around the content.

In a crowded digital space, our goal is to turn challenges into opportunities, helping your brand thrive on social media.